The Month of Cheshvan on the Temple Mount


📈 3199 Jews ascended the Temple Mount in the month of Cheshvan, a 26% rise year over year to Cheshvan on last year (2537 Jewish ascenders).

Please find our recap of Beyadenu's activity for the month of Cheshvan:
This month's update is dedicated to the memory of Gershon Solomon, z"l, who was one of the leading Temple Mount activists for decades and passed away earlier this week.

🎊 Record numbers of Jews ascended the Temple Mount this month of Cheshvan. Since the start of the Jewish Year, 11,137 Jews have ascended to the Temple Mount, a 28% year-over-year rise in the number of those ascending in the months of Tishrei and Cheshvan of last year.

🎉 9 grooms, 5 brides, 3 Bar Mitzvah boys and 2 Bat Mitzvah girls celebrated these milestones by ascending the Temple Mount.

🎓 Among the organized groups who ascended the Temple Mount in Cheshvan were: Mechinat Amichai from Cramim, Mechinat Kol Ami from Kiryat Anavim, Mechinat Lachish, The Harduf School who also received a lecture from Beyadenu's CEO Tom Nisani, IDF groups, a group from the the Hebron area that ascends monthly, Yeshivat Machanayim led by Rabbi Shlomo Wilk, an AIPAC delegation visiting from the USA, Gershon Bar Kochva's daughter's Bat Mitzvah Group, Tom Nisani and former MK Yehuda Glick along with others who returned to the Temple Mount after the police prevented them from ascending for a period of time, and former MKs Uri Ariel and Moshe Feiglin.

🇮🇱 This month 2 current MKs ascended the Temple Mount, Sharren Haskel (National Unity) and Yitzhak Wasserlauf (Otzma Yehudit). Sharren Haskel was documented visiting without any limitations.

🛑 In recent months, we have documented unfortunate incidents of Superintendent Shay Puzmentier of the Israel Police behaving with hostility towards Jewish Temple Mount ascenders. Previously, Beyadenu's efforts in shedding light on this issue of Police hostility on the Temple Mount towards Jews successfully brought an end to Yaron Bitton's stint as police commander on the Temple Mount. Sign our petition to switch out Shay Puzmentier from commander of the Police on the Temple Mount 👉

🤓 The Temple Mount knowledge and study course:

This week a new Beyadenu Temple Mount course has begun with a lecture by Rachel Sela!
To join the course (please note that it's in Hebrew): 
Registrants will receive video recordings of past lectures.

🎯 Approximately 500 Jews, among them pre-military academies and high school students, ascended the Temple Mount freely with only peripheral security! Beyadenu continues to demand removing all movement restrictions inflicted on the Jews ascending the Mount.

🖊 Join Beyadenu's call to include the sovereignty principles in the new government's guidelines while the coalition agreements are being signed:

👮🏻 Detentions and arrests:

At least 7 Jews were detained or arrested on the Temple Mount. Furthermore, a Beyadenu activist was detained and removed from the site.

🚨 Throughout the month, the officer in charge of the security checkpoint at the site's entrance prevented Jews, on multiple occasions, from entering the Mount, because of their refusal to undergo a humiliating body-search. We again remind that this demand is unlawful and is a case for a lawsuit.
Were you required to undergo such a body-search? Tell us and we will assist you: 0529284753

🤝 Support our important work towards Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount (all donations will be recognized for tax purposes in Israel, according to section 46): 
💳 For a standing-order donation:
💳 For a one-time donation via a platform of your choice:

⏰ Temple Mount Opening Hours during the Winter:

Morning: 7:00AM – 10:45AM
Afternoon: 12:30PM – 13:45
(Ascendance is done after immersing in a mikveh and wearing non-leather shoes.)

✅ Book a Guide on the Temple Mount:

🧐 For all the Halachic information regarding the ascension to the Temple Mount:

📱 Join our WhatsApp group for Updates:


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