Hamaayan - The Real Danger
Hamaayan By Shlomo Katz To Dedicate an Article click here Parshas Vayigash The Real Danger BS”D Volume 37, No. 11 7 Tevet 5783 December 31, 2022 Sponsored by Milton Cahn in memory of his mother, Abby Cahn (Bracha bat Moshe a”h) and his wife Felice Cahn (Faygah Sarah bat Naftoli Zev a”h) In this week’s Parashah, the Egyptian viceroy reveals that he is Yosef, and he encourages his brothers to bring their father Yaakov to Egypt to live out the years of famine there. As Yaakov is descending to Egypt, Hashem appears to Yaakov and says (46:3-4), “Have no fear of descending to Egypt, for I shall establish you as a great nation there. I shall descend with you to Egypt, and I shall also surely bring you up.” R’ Chaim Druckman z”l (rabbi, Rosh Yeshiva, and Knesset member, who passed away this week at the age of 90) writes: Midrash Rabbah observes: “One s...