
Showing posts with the label Drasha - Fitting Work Drasha - Fitting Work

Image Drasha - Fitting Work Drasha By Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Tzav Fitting Work   It is not a glamorous job, but somebody has to do it. And so the Torah begins this week’s portion by telling us the mitzvah of terumas hadeshen, removing the ashes that accumulate from the burnt-offerings upon the altar. The Torah teaches us: “The Kohen shall don his fitted linen tunic, and he shall don linen breeches on his flesh; he shall separate the ash of what the fire consumed of the elevation-offering on the Altar, and place it next to the Altar” (Leviticus 7:3). What is simply derived from the verse is that the service of ash-removal is done with the priestly tunic. What is noticeable to the Talmudic mind is the seemingly innocuous adjective “fitted.” Rashi quotes the derivation that applies to all the priestly garments: they must be f