Sondra Baras: This week, we read a double portion, VaYakhel and Pikudei!

Sondra Baras: This week, we read a double portion, VaYakhel and Pikudei! Vayakhel/Pikudei (Gathered/Accounts) Exodus 35:1 – 40:38. Everyone Can Give Something This week, we read a double portion, VaYakhel and Pikudei! I share a thought with you about the first part of the double portion below but if you would like an additional thought about the second part of the double portion, just scroll down. This week’s Torah portion opens with Moses’ instruction to the Children of Israel to donate items for the construction of the Tabernacle and its various vessels. It echoes the very similar commandment that God gave to Moses in Chapter 25. It would seem, therefore, that the repetition would be superfluous. Why didn’t Scripture just tell us that Moses commanded the people to donate and they did? In reading the verses in chapter 35, however, there is something very special that is conveyed through the...