Julius My story

By Julius June 23 1971 I reenlisted in the US Army to take leave to take care of some family problems at home. I was assigned to B Btry 6th Bn 52nd Air defense Arty, at Larson barracks Kitzingen Germany. My Tour of duty in Germany would end in April of 1972, I've always wanted to go to Israel, and I decided I wanted to go before I left Germany, so I asked my Battery commander if I could borrow some leave time to go to Israel. He informed me that I had already borrowed all the leave time I could, there wasn’t any more I could borrow. I had my reenlistment bonus money, so I told him that I had a valid passport, that it had student on it, and that I would go anyways. He said, that I would go to the stockade when I returned; I said that 90 days in the stockade would be worth it for me to make what I thought would be a once in a lifetime pilgrimage to the holy land. He said that I had already reenlisted, I have been a good soldier and begged me not to ruin my career, and he went on to a...