
Showing posts with the label KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.24 Week of Vayikra 5783

KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.24 Week of Vayikra 5783

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.24 Week of Vayikra 5783 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.24 26 Adar - 3 Nissan, 5783 / March 19 - 25, 2023 Week of Vayikra 5783     PREFACE : Thursday is "new Moon Day" for the Jewish month of NISAN (article #1), in which the PASSOVER Seder takes place during the eve of the 15th ("Full Moon Day"). In the first reading of the third book, Vayikra (article #6), which we began this week, there is detailed discussion of different types of offerings and sacrifices -- One element common to them all is that they were accompanied by salt. See article #3 for a Kabbalah look at this basic yet vital ingredient.       The Original New Moon       ...