KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.24 Week of Vayikra 5783
KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.24 Week of Vayikra 5783 bs'D from the print version of KabbalaOnline.org Magazine KabbalaOnline.org Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.24 26 Adar - 3 Nissan, 5783 / March 19 - 25, 2023 Week of Vayikra 5783 PREFACE : Thursday is "new Moon Day" for the Jewish month of NISAN (article #1), in which the PASSOVER Seder takes place during the eve of the 15th ("Full Moon Day"). In the first reading of the third book, Vayikra (article #6), which we began this week, there is detailed discussion of different types of offerings and sacrifices -- One element common to them all is that they were accompanied by salt. See article #3 for a Kabbalah look at this basic yet vital ingredient. The Original New Moon ...