ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, November 15, 2023 2 Kislev, 5784

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, November 15, 2023 2 Kislev, 5784 Daily Study Chumash Parshat Toldot, 4th Portion (Bereshit (Genesis) 26:23-26:29) Psalms Chapters 10-17 Tanya Kuntres Acharon, beginning of Essay 4 Rambam 3 Chapters , 1 Chapter , Sefer Hamitzvot Hayom Yom Today's Hayom Yom Daily Thought Jacob's Path "G-dliness is everything. Everything is G-dliness." -Baal Shem Tov. Each of these paths contains what the other is missing: Follow the path of "G‑dliness is everything" and you arrive at a place where even the darkness shines, for it too has divine meaning. And so it ceases to be darkness; the world is filled with light. But you have not changed the world; you have left the world behind you. In this place, there is no world. There is only G‑dliness. Come back to the world and you will find the darkness stubbornly in its place. That is the story of Abraham and Ishmael. Ishmael reformed himself during his father's lifetime. But as soon as his...