ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 8 Sivan, 5783 May 28, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 8 Sivan, 5783 May 28, 2023 Jewish History Rabbi Escapes Crusaders (1147) Rabbi Yaakov ben Meir Tam, known as the "Rabbenu Tam," was one of Rashi 's illustrious grandsons. During the Second Crusade, on the second day of the holiday of Shavuot , the Crusaders entered his hometown of Ramerupt, and pillaged and massacred many Jews. They broke into Rabbenu Tam's house, plundered all his wealth, and seriously wounded Rabbenu Tam. On the next day, the 8th of Sivan, Rabbenu Tam escaped Rameru and the clutches of the Crusaders. Two years later he completed his famous treatise on Jewish ritual and ethics, Sefer Hayashar . Links : Rabbi Yaakov ben Meir, the Rabbenu Tam The Crusades Daily Study Chumash Parshat Behaalotecha, 1st Portion (Bamidbar (Numbers) 8:1-8:14) Psalms Chapters 44-48 Tanya Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, end of Chapter 1 Rambam 3 Chapters , 1 Chapter , Sefer Hamitzvot Hayom Yom Today's Hayom Yom Daily Thought Post-Sin...