Julius The Work of Maimonides

Julius The Work of Maimonides The Work of Maimonides By Julius By Yahuda101 The Work of Maimonides: The Life of Maimonides Philosopher and poet Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi concludes his prose poem Behinat Olam (Examination of the World), a work of philosophic rumination and religious passion, in this manner: To sum up: Go my heart to the left or right, but believe, believe all that our great master and teacher, Moses the son of Maimon believed. The last of the Gaonim, he was in time, but first in rank, and there is none among the sages of Israel since the days of the Talmud who could compare to him. Writing at the beginning of the fourteenth century, the pious Bedersi found an anchor for his faith in the works and views of Moses ben Maimon. Six centuries later, in 1904-in commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Moses Maimonides — the Hebrew essayist, ethicist, and ideologist of cultural Zionism, Ahad ha-Am, wrote in an essay titled "Shilton HaSechel" (The Supr...