
Showing posts with the label "Make Bricks" [Shemot 5783] "Make Bricks" [Shemot 5783]

Image "Make Bricks" [Shemot 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of SHEMOT 5783 This Torah teaching is dedicated in loving memory and for the merit of YEHUDA ben AZIZ ז"ל May his soul have a great elevation above and continue to be a faithful advocate for JOEY ESFANDI and sons, MICHAEL, DAVID & JONATHAN שי'   This week we begin the second book of the Torah, Shemot. This book begins with the enslavement of the Jewish people by the Egyptians. The backbreaking labor of our forefathers in Egypt started with making bricks. The Torah tells us, “They [the Egyptians] made their lives bitter with difficult work, with mortar and bricks, as well as all kinds of work in the field” ( Bereishit /Genesis 1:14). The Talmud ( Sotah 11b) takes note of the order of the words. Initially the work was with mortar and bricks, later all types of field work was add...