Sefaria Parshat Devarim, 1st Portion (Devarim (Deuteronomy) 1:1-1:11)

Sefaria Parshat Devarim, 1st Portion (Devarim (Deuteronomy) 1:1-1:11) About This Text Deuteronomy Tanakh Deuteronomy (“Devarim”) is the fifth and last book of the Torah, primarily consisting of Moses’ final speeches ahead of his death. He reminds the Israelites of seminal events that happened in the desert, like the sin of the spies, the giving of the Torah, and the sin of the Golden Calf. He also reviews old laws, introduces new laws to follow as the Israelites enter Israel, and emphasizes the importance of faithfulness to God. Composed: Sinai/Canaan (c.1400 - c.400 BCE) נוצר/נערך: סיני / כנען (1400 - 400 לפנה"ס בקירוב) Current Version Miqra according to the Masorah Select Version Read More Source: Digitization: Sefaria License: CC-BY-SA Revision History Buy in Print Current Translation The Contemporary Torah, Jewish Publication Society, 2006 Select Translation Dedicated by an anonymous donor in honor of all women and girls who study, teach, and transform To...