ChaBaD Wednesday, January 25, 2023 3 Shevat, 5783
ChaBaD Wednesday, January 25, 2023 3 Shevat, 5783 Jewish History Amshinover Rebbe (1935) Shevat 3 is the yahrtzeit (anniversary of the passing) of the Amshinover Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Menachem Kalisch, of righteous memory, in 1935. Daily Study Chumash Parshat Bo, 4th Portion (Exodus 11:4-12:20) Psalms Chapters 18-22 Tanya Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 19 Rambam 3 Chapters , 1 Chapter , Sefer Hamitzvot Hayom Yom Today's Hayom Yom Daily Thought Good Signs Whenever things got worse, Jews would say, “This is a sign! Moshiach is coming!” But in those days, a messianic era would have meant a radical change in the natural order of things. Today, though the human soul sleeps a deep slumber of materialism, the material world itself is prepared. Halachic Times (Zmanim) Times for Jerusalem, Israel 5:17 AM Dawn (Alot Hashachar): 5:50 AM Earliest ...