KabbalaOnline.org Beshalach 5783 Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Beshalach 5783 Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading Beshalach 5783 Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading Dedicated in loving memory and to the merit of ESTHER RIVKA bat MOSHE HALEVI a"h on her yahrzeit today. May her soul have a great elevation above and continue to be a faithful advocate for NAOMI PERLMAN and family. Intermediate Leaders of People and of Time The Zohar From the teachings of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai; translation and commentary by Shmuel-Simcha Treister, based on Metok MiDevash The Zohar teaches that the spiritual leader of the Jewish people is the equivalent of the entire Israelite nation. If he is righteous and worthy as Moses was, then all the people are deemed worthy in his merit. However, if he is not worthy, then the entire people are punished. 1 Comment Conversation with a Soul The Holy Ari From the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Lu...