Julius Ark of the Covenant Holy of Holies and my beliefs in G d

Ark of the Covenant Holy of Holies and my beliefs in G-d By Julius According to Albert Einstein energy and mass are different forms of the same thing. Einstein's assertion of General Relativity has been proven accurate to five decimal places. The universe indeed had a beginning. To have a beginning then there had to be a creator, a G-d! I believe that G-d is an all knowing, omnipotent, intelligent energy. The Ark was used in the desert and in Israel proper for a number of spiritual and pragmatic purposes. Practically, God used the Ark as an indicator of when he wanted the nation to travel, and when to stop. In the traveling formation in the desert, the Ark was carried 2000 cubits ahead of the nation (Num. R. 2:9). According to one midrash, it would clear the path for the nation by burning snakes, scorpions, and thorns with two jets of flame that shot from its underside (T. VaYakhel, 7); another midrash says that rather than being carried by its bearers, the Ark in fact carrie...