
Showing posts with the label Yahuda101 Headlines Netanyahu warns against anarchy amid protests; Gantz “prospects of civil war” TV7 Israel News 02.03

Yahuda101 Headlines Netanyahu warns against anarchy amid protests; Gantz “prospects of civil war” TV7 Israel News 02.03

Headlines Netanyahu warns against anarchy amid protests; Gantz “prospects of civil war” TV7 Israel News 02.03 By Yahuda101 Not looking good, I see Bibi as being a strong leader. I get the feeling he wants to eliminate terrorism, build settlements, and so forth. But at the same time, he is facing strong opposition that could lead to civil war which could give Israel's enemies such as Hamas and others an opportunity to attack Israel. Bibi see's this, and is being as careful as he can. I don’t live in Israel, all though I wish I did, I know little about Israeli government, or politics, but I do have an opinion based on what little I do know. National Unity party leader Benny Gantz says the government’s judicial reform plan will lead to “civil war” in Israel. Advocates say the proposed changes are needed to curb the influence of an overreaching judiciary that has granted itself increased authorities over the years. They also say they would shift power away from an unelected