
Showing posts with the label 5783 · January 6

ChaBaD: Today in Judaism Today is Friday, Tevet 13, 5783 · January 6, 2023

  © Copyright · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213 ChaBaD: Today in Judaism Today is Friday, Tevet 13, 5783 · January 6, 2023 Today is Friday, Tevet 13, 5783 · January 6, 2023 Daily Quote "The voice is the voice of Jacob"--no prayer is effective unless the seed of Jacob has a part in it. "The hands are the hands of Esau"--no war is successful unless the seed of Esau has a share in it. — Talmud Daily Torah Study Chumash: Vayechi, 6th Portion Genesis 49:27-50:20 with Rashi • English / Hebrew Linear Translation • Video Class • Daily Wisdom (short insight) Tehillim: Chapters 69 - 71 • Hebrew text • English text Tanya: Likutei Amarim, Chapter 11 • English Text (Lessons in Tanya) • Hebrew Text • Audio Class: Listen | Download