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The OU's Mishna Yomit Pesachim 8:8-9:1

 The OU's Mishna Yomit Pesachim 8:8-9:1 THE OU'S MISHNA YOMIT SPONSOR A SHIUR ON OU TORAH Pesachim 8:8-9:1 Listen to the shiur on OU Torah » Pesachim 8:8 An onen (one who lost a close relative that day) immerses in a mikvah and eats his Passover offering after nightfall but he does not partake of other sacrifices. One who learns of a relative’s passing or who gathers a parent’s remains for re-interment can immerse in a mikvah and eat other sacrifices. If a non-Jew converts to Judaism on 14 Nisan, Beis Shammai say that he immerses in a mikvah and eats the Passover offering that night. Beis Hillel say that being circumcised is comparable to corpse uncleanliness (and therefore the convert will be unclean for a week and cannot eat the Passover offering that night). Pesachim 9:1 If a person was ritually unclean or away from Jerusalem on a trip with the result that he could not bring the Passover offering on 14 Nisan, he must observe second Passover (Pesach sheini). If he d...