I like to wish for all my friends a good Shabbat

I like to wish for all my friends a good Shabbat Hos 6:1 ‘Come, and let us turn back to Adonai. For He has torn but He does heal us, He has stricken but He binds us up. B"H I like to wish for all my friends a good Shabbat, Here are your candle lighting times for Jerusalem, Israel: On Friday, February 24, 2023 Light Candles at 4:53 PM On Saturday, February 25, 2023 Shabbat Ends 6:10 PM Shabbat Shalom! Study this week's Torah portion https://rb.gy/6wucza Candle lighting blessings https://rb.gy/nnghgr Look up Shabbat times for another city https://rb.gy/u2ogeb Our Prayer and hope: All the gates to the Har HaBait have to be opened for Jews and non-Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews need to have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. And do קידה ('Kidah' prostate, laying down, before Hashem) Everyone showing his/her respect for the Jewish and all other religions. But NOT for the words/deeds/sins spoke...