ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, May 10, 2023 19 Iyar, 5783

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, May 10, 2023 19 Iyar, 5783 Omer: Day 34 - Yesod sheb'Hod Tonight Count 35 Jewish History Passing of Maharam (1293) Renowned Talmudist Rabbi Meir ("Maharam") of Rothenburg (1215?-1293) died in his cell in the Ensisheim fortress, where he had been imprisoned for ten years in an attempt to exact a huge ransom from the Jewish community. The money had been raised, but Rabbi Meir refused to have himself redeemed, lest this encourage the hostage taking of other Jewish leaders. (see "today in Jewish History" for Adar 4 ) Links: A brief biography Goebbels Committed Suicide (1945) Paul Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister under Adolf Hitler, was known for his zealous anti-semitism. Following Hitler's death he served as Chancellor for one day. A day later, he approved the murder of his own six children and committed suicide. Laws and Customs Count "Thirty-Five Days to the Omer" Tonight Tomorrow is the thirty-fif...