KabbalaOnline.org "The Singing Stutterer" Story #1309
KabbalaOnline.org "The Singing Stutterer" Story #1309 bs”D From the desk of Yerachmiel Tilles < editor@ascentofsafed.com > Story #1309 (5783-15) 16 Tevet 5783 (Jan. 9, 2023) Discover! the " TillesTells Saturday Night Stories ” WhatsApp group DEDICATION for Mrs Shulamit Tilles , who on Sunday of this week completed 7 decades. May she enjoy more decades of good health and good news. and Dedicated with hearty Mazal Tov wishes and for the merit of DANIEL SRAGOWICZ on his birthday. With blessings for a year of material and spiritual success in good health and simcha. The Story in PDF format for more convenient printing THE SINGING STUTTERER It is always a special experience to hear Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Dan from Paris when he leads the prayers. Each word has its suitable trill, no syllable is pronounced by habit. Those listening would never guess that the possessor of this m...