
Showing posts with the label The Mystical Month of Tammuz 5783 The Mystical Month of Tammuz 5783

Image The Mystical Month of Tammuz 5783 Dedicated with hearty mazal tov wishes in honor of JORDAN BUBLICK on his birthday.                                  Blessings for many more years of the best of health, simcha and success - material & spiritual.   The Mystical Month To Come   TAMMUZ 5783 (June 20 - July 18) "Between the Days of Distress"     1) " Jewish Astrology " 2) Calendar Reminders   1) "Jewish Astrology" (from Sefer HaYetzira ) Month Sign Letter Tribe Limb sense Sefirah Channel Permutation of the Name 4 Cancer chet Reuven Right hand sight Chesed to Tiferet K.V.K.Y.     2) CALENDARREMINDERS   1 Tammuz (June 19-20) -- Second Day Rosh Chodesh Tammuz -- Official beginning of Summer at ASCENT!! 3 Tammuz (June 21- 22) -- Twenty Ninth anniversary of the passing of th