ChaBad Jewish Calendar Friday, July 21, 2023 3 Av, 5783 - Shabbat, July 22, 2023 4 Av, 5783

ChaBad Jewish Calendar Friday, July 21, 2023 3 Av, 5783 - Shabbat, July 22, 2023 4 Av, 5783 Nine Days Candle Lighting Light Candles at 7:03 PM Jewish History Passing of R. Shimshon of Ostropolle (1648) R. Shimshon of Ostropolle was a saintly individual who was greatly revered both in his lifetime and beyond. It is told that an angel called a maggid would come and reveal secrets of Torah to him, and that he merited revelations from Elijah the Prophet . He himself records kabbalistic insights that were revealed to him in dreams. R. Shimshon authored Dan Yadin , a kabbalistic commentary, as well as numerous other unpreserved works. Additionally, many of his interpretations that were preserved orally have been collected and published. R. Shimshon died a martyr’s death at the hands of a Cossack mob during the Chmielnicki Massacres, while wrapped in his tallit and tefillin . Link: Angels of the Exodus Laws and Customs "Nine Days' During t...