Nissan Dovid Dubov Proof of the Existence of G–d

Proof of the Existence of G–d By Nissan Dovid Dubov Posted by Yahuda101 “Prove to me that G–d exists” is a challenge as old as religion itself. Religion is defined as a belief in the existence of a superhuman controlling power, and when we give Judaism as our religion our belief in G–d is axiomatic. Yet so many Jews still question this very foundation. It is still more difficult to articulate a convincing response. Furthermore, any answer is usually followed by a torrent of protest questioning such a belief, like the questions, “if there is a G–d, where was He during the Holocaust?”, and, “why do bad things happen to good people?” In this chapter, we shall focus on the core issue. Before doing so, we shall state briefly the Jewish belief in G–d. Many Jews recite daily the Thirteen Principles of Faith, based on the commentary of Maimonides to Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1. The first four principles are: 1. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the Cr...