ChaBaD Omer Reminder & Meditation: Saturday night, April 8, 2023

ChaBaD Omer Reminder & Meditation: Saturday night, April 8, 2023 Omer Reminder & Meditation Never miss a day of the omer count! Download Our Omer App Nissan 17, 5783 · April 8, 2023 COUNT THE OMER REMINDER 3rd Day of the Omer Tonight, Saturday night, April 8, 2023, we count three days of the Omer. For detailed instructions on how to count the Omer, blessing text, omer calendar, and more information, please click here . OMER MEDITATION A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement Day Three: Tiferet of Chesed There is love and there is beautiful love. True love includes empathy and compassion which makes it a beautiful love. Love is often fostered in expectation of reciprocity. Real love is expressed even when one gets nothing in return; even when the other doesn't deserve love. Tif...