
Showing posts with the label Dvar Torah - Team Meeting Dvar Torah - Team Meeting

Image Dvar Torah - Team Meeting Dvar Torah By Rabbi Label Lam To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Vayikra Team Meeting   What is different about this night from all other nights? (Main Question at the Pesach Seder) What is the meaning of this question that is meant to drive the Pesach Seder into high gear? After all, one anonymous philosopher once said, “There is nothing more irrelevant than the answer to a question that was never asked.” A question opens the mind and creates a vessel to receive. To the extent the depth of the question is perceived so will be the depth of the cognitive receptacle. I’m afraid, however, that this question is woefully underappreciated and underutilized. It is all too often employed as a recital and an invitation for the children to express their objective cuteness. So what does it mean and how can it be best used? ...