ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, April 5, 2023 14 Nissan, 5783

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, April 5, 2023 14 Nissan, 5783 Erev Pesach ('Eve of Passover') - First Seder tonight Candle Lighting Light Holiday Candles at 6:21 PM Jewish History Maimonides Born (1135) Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam" and to the world at large as "Maimonides", was born in Cordova, Spain, on the 14th of Nissan of the year 4895 from creation--1135 of the Common Era [ more... ] Laws and Customs Fast of the Firstborn Firstborn males over the age of Bar Mitzvah (13) are obligated to fast on the 14th of Nissan, in recognition of the fact that during the "Plague of the Firstborn" (which occurred at midnight of Nissan 15) G-d "passed over" the Jewish firstborn when He killed all firstborn Egyptians. If there is a firstborn male in the family under 13, the obligation to fast rests with the father. The prevailing custom, h...