ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Monday, 28 Tammuz, 5783 July 17, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Monday, 28 Tammuz, 5783 July 17, 2023 Torah Reading Devarim: Deuteronomy 1:1-11 Jewish History Passing of "Yismach Moshe" (1841) Tammuz 28 is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (1759-1841) of Uhely, Hungary, author of Yismach Moshe and patriarch of the Hungarian Chassidic dynasties. Passing of Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried (1886) Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried (1804-1886) was born in Uzhhorod (Ungvar) in the Carpathian region of the Habsburg Empire (now Ukraine). When he was eight years old, Shlomo's father, Rabbi Yosef, passed way, and Ungvar's chief rabbi, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Heller, assumed legal guardianship of Shlomo. In 1830, he abandoned his work as a wine merchant and accepted the position of Rabbi of Brezovica (Brezevitz). In 1849, he returned to Ungvar to serve as a rabbinical judge. Realizing that the average Jew required a basic knowledge of practical halachah, Rabbi Ganzfried compiled the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch , an abbreviated digest of Jewi...