ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 17 Sivan, 5783 June 6, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 17 Sivan, 5783 June 6, 2023 Jewish History Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat (2105 BCE) Seven months after the beginning of the Great Flood, and 17 days after the waters covering the earth began to subside, the Ark sheltering Noah, his family, and members of all animal species came to rest on the (still submerged) summit of Mount Ararat. Links: A Chronology of the Flood The Torah's account of the Flood, with commentary (Parshat Noach) More on The Flood Hasmonean Victory (circa 140 BCE) The Hasmonean fighters recaptured Migdal Tzur from the Greek enemy and proclaimed this day a holiday (Talmud, Megilat Taanit). Link: The Macabees Daily Study Chumash Parshat Shlach, 3rd Portion (Bamidbar (Numbers) 14:8-14:25) Psalms Chapters 83-87 Tanya Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, middle of Chapter 6 Rambam 3 Chapters , 1 Chapter , Sefer Hamitzvot Hayom Yom Today's Hayom Yom Daily Thought Now For hundreds of years, perhaps since the be...