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ChaBaD: Daily Tanya Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 53

 ChaBaD: Daily Tanya Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 53 Sunday, 1 Sivan 5783 / May 21, 2023 Today Classes on Tanya Yehoshua B. Gordon   (20:18) Watch   Listen   Download   Podcast Manis Friedman   (20:12) Listen   Download   Podcast Avraham Zajac   (5:02) Listen   Download   Podcast Ronnie Fine   (6:11) Watch   Listen   Download   Podcast COMMENTARY: Show Hide SHOW CONTENT IN: English Both Hebrew The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that the light of the  Shechinah , an illumination utterly transcending the realm of the world, must have a “garment” which enables it to radiate there. The “garment” of the  Shechinah  is Torah. In every World, there is found the “intelligence” of that particular World, namely, the  sefirot  of  chochmah ,  binah , and  daat  of that World. They constitute the shrine of the Holy of Holies, in which the  Shechinah  resides. After the levels of  ChaBaD  (in which resides the  Shechinah ) descend into the level of  malchut  of a particular W