
Showing posts with the label Hamaayan By Shlomo Katz Parshas Tazria Hamaayan By Shlomo Katz Parshas Tazria

Image Hamaayan By Shlomo Katz Parshas Tazria Hamaayan By Shlomo Katz To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Tazria Silver Lining   BS”D Volume 37, No. 26 1 Iyar 5783 April 22, 2023 Sponsored by Aaron and Rona Lerner in memory of his father Yaakov Yonah ben Yisroel a”h The two Parashot read this week–Tazria and Metzora–are devoted primarily to the laws of Tzara’at. R’ Nosson Yehuda Leib (Leibel) Mintzberg z”l (1943-2018; rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and Bet Shemesh, Israel) makes several observations about the order in which the various laws of Tzara’at are presented in our Parashot. The Torah’s presentation begins with the laws of Tzara’at that afflicts a person, then the laws of Tzara’at that afflicts a person’s clothes, and finally the laws of Tzara’at that afflicts a person’s house. However, in between the laws relating to clothing a...