
Showing posts with the label "I'm An Ox?" [Mishpatim 5783] "I'm An Ox?" [Mishpatim 5783]

Image "I'm An Ox?" [Mishpatim 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of  MISHPATIM 5783   This Torah teaching is dedicated to   MR. & MRS. SANDER AND TRACY GERBER AND FAMILY שי' With blessings for much material and spiritual success, good health,  simcha, nachat and revealed good . Talks on the Parshah by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz a’h asks an obvious question. In last week’s Torah portion, Yitro , the Torah described the descent of G-d on Mount Sinai and His giving His will and wisdom, the Torah to the Jewish people. What should come next? If G-d were a novelist and the only purpose of the Torah document was to keep our attention, I would think we would read of lofty ideas like our eternal connection to G-d; how exalted we are, and can be, if we go in His ways . But no. Most of this week’s Torah portion of Mishpatim is about laws. And n