ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 10 Elul, 5783 August 27, 2023
ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 10 Elul, 5783 August 27, 2023 Jewish History Noah Dispatches Raven (2105 BCE) On the 10th of Elul of the year 1656 from creation (2105 BCE), as the Great Flood neared its end, Noah opened the window of the Ark and dispatched a raven to determine if the flood waters had begun to recede (Genesis 8:1; Rashi). For a discussion of the deeper significance of this event, see The Window Passing of R. Pinchas Schapiro of Koretz (1791) R. Pinchas Schapiro of Koretz (1726–1791) was one of the greatest disciples of the Baal Shem Tov , and a colleague of R. Dovber, the Maggid of Mezeritch . His teachings were published posthumously in various books, such as Likkutei Shoshanim and Midrash Pinchas . R. Pinchas’ son, R. Moshe, and grandsons, R. Shmuel Abba and R. Pinchas, managed the famed printing press in Slavuta (see entry for 5 Adar). Links: The Splattered Gem , The Unpopular Tzaddik Laws and Customs El...