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Tevet 11, 5783 · January 4, 2023 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 10

  © Copyright · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213 Tevet 11, 5783 · January 4, 2023 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 10 AUDIO & VIDEO CLASSES     •  VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon   Watch • Listen   •  AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman    Listen • Download MP3   After elaborating in the previous chapter on the ongoing battle between the divine and animal soul over mastery of a Jew’s body, the Alter Rebbe now proceeds to explain that one who vanquishes his animal soul and transforms its evil into good — is a tzaddik. This level of tzaddik comprises two general categories. The “perfect tzaddik,” also called the “ tzaddik who knows only good,” is he who has transformed all the evil of his animal soul to good; while he who has not completely eradicated and converted the evil within him is termed “an imperfect tzad

Tevet 9, 5783 · January 2, 2023 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 9

  Tevet 9, 5783 · January 2, 2023 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 9 AUDIO & VIDEO CLASSES     •  VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon   Watch • Listen   •  AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman    Listen • Download MP3   In the previous chapters the Alter Rebbe elaborated on the composition of the Jew’s divine soul with its ten holy soul-powers and three soul-garments, and his animal soul, with its corresponding ten powers and three garments originating in kelipah. In the present chapter the Alter Rebbe will discuss the battle fought within the Jew between these two souls. והנה מקום משכן נפש הבהמית שמקליפת נוגה בכל איש ישראל הוא בלב The abode of the animal soul derived from kelipat nogah in every Jew, i.e., the place where the animal soul (nefesh habahamit) resides and is most manifest, is in the heart; for, as mentioned in previous chapte