Sefaria Jerusalem Talmud Kilayim 1:4 - 1: 5 Heinrich W. Guggenheimer, 1999-2015

Sefaria Jerusalem Talmud Kilayim 1:4 - 1: 5 Heinrich W. Guggenheimer, 1999-2015 (Torah reading Level Four see: Torah Study ( Talmud About This Text Jerusalem Talmud Kilayim Talmud Kilayim (“Mixtures”) is a tractate in Seder Zeraim (“Order of Seeds”) that discusses biblical prohibitions of mixed species, based in Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9-11. These include planting certain mixtures of seeds, grafting different species of trees, growing plants other than grapevines in a vineyard, crossbreeding animals, working certain animals together, and mixing wool and linen in clothing. Composed: Talmudic Israel (c.375 - c.425 CE) נוצר/נערך: ישראל התלמודית (375 - 425 לספירה בקירוב) Current Version The Jerusalem Talmud, edition by Heinrich W. Guggenheimer. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1999-2015 Select Version Read More Source: Digitization: Sefaria License: CC-BY Revision History Buy in Print Current Translation The Jeru...