Yahuda101 The Ingathering

Yahuda101 The Ingathering INGATHERING OF THE EXILES (Heb. קִבּוּץ גָּלֻיּוֹת kibbutz galuyyot). In biblical Hebrew galut serves as the abstract "exile," as in the phrase "in the 37th year of Jehoiachin's exile" (le-galut Yehoyakhin; Jer. 52:31 ), or the concrete "exiles," as in the clause "he will release my exiles" (galuti; Isa. 45:13 ). The verb kibbez ("gathers") is frequently used of God's ingathering of Israel's dispersion (e.g., Jer. 29:14 ; Ezek. 11:17 ; Isa. 56:8 ; Ps. 106:47 ); yet the phrase kibbutz galuyyot is first found only in rabbinic literature (e.g., Pes. 88a ). The belief, however, in the ingathering of the exiled communities is nevertheless repeated time and again, especially in the prophecies of Isaiah (11:12; 27:13; 56:8; 66:20), Jeremiah (16:15; 23:3, 8; 29:14; 31:8; 33:7), and Ezekiel (20:34, 41; 37:21). It is first mentioned in Deuteronomy 30:3–5 . After the details of the destruction and exile are ...