Yahuda101 HOW Biden & Democratic Admin Subvert Israeli Democracy To Suit DNC

HOW Biden & Democratic Admin Subvert Israeli Democracy To Suit DNC Source: How Biden Subverts Israeli Democracy | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Caroline B. Glick | 29 Shevat 5783 – February 20, 2023 | JewishPress.com By Yahuda101 When Israel's most insightful analyst, Caroline Glick, speaks, I listen. And so should you. She explores and exposes - as does no other journalist - the hidden machinations of the Biden Democrats to illegally manipulate Israel's vibrant democracy to serve their own questionable purposes. Israel's once omnipotent "left" no longer rules the country, no longer controls a monopoly on the institutions and the economy, probably enjoys the support of no more than 15-20% of Israel's Jewish population, but is kept alive and seemingly "powerful" by the media and by foreign support, by the illegal and unwanted interference and funding from American Democrats. There's one sure and certain method of ...