KabbalaOnline.org "Keep Leaving Egypt" [Bo 5783]
KabbalaOnline.org "Keep Leaving Egypt" [Bo 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: director@ascentofsafed.com The week of BO 5783 Dedicated in loving memory and for the merit of DEVORAH bat ZE’EV & ESTHER ע"ה May her soul have a great elevation above and continue to be a faithful advocate for her sons, JOEL & IRA SUSSMAN AND FAMILIES שי' In one of his talks, the Lubavitcher Rebbe discusses the story of the Exodus, the going out from Egypt, which is the main focus of this week’s Torah portion, Bo ,and one of the foundations of Jewish life. The historical event of leaving Egypt is also synonymous with the birth of the Jewish people, because through it thechildren of Jacob transitioned from being slaves to Pharaoh with no clear self-identity to a nation and servants of G-d. On a inner, spiritual level, we find many places in Jewish sources the explanation that leaving Egypt was not just a...