
Showing posts with the label Yitro 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading Yitro 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading

Image Yitro 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading A Sight to Behold Chasidic Masters From the writings & talks of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch " And all the people saw the thunder and the lightning, the sound of the shofar and the smoking mountain. " ( Ex. 20:15) These words describe the tremendous revelation of G‑d's essence and the supernal joy experienced at the Torah's giving - as well as the delight of the Jewish nation at these revelations. Why did the  Torah  use  sight  to describe this exceptionally spiritual event? In addition, since Torah learning is primarily an intellectual endeavor, wouldn't terms describing  mental  perceptions have been more appropriate? The Jews saw four things: 1) thunder, 2) lightning, 3) the sound of the  shofar , and 4) the smoking mountain. The first three are revelations from Above. The fourth (see  Ohr   HaChayim  on the verse) alludes to an initiative from below, since the