KabbalaOnline.org Tetzaveh 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Tetzaveh 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading A Simple White Cloak Chasidic Masters By David Sterne, based primarily on Shem miShmuel. What did Moses wear when communing with the One Above? He had a simple wardrobe – a white cloak. That’s remarkable, says Shem miShmuel , because the kohanim (the priests in the Temple), whose work was bringing down high levels of holiness and divine light from Above, needed to be covered with at least four and as many as eight garments. The Levites (their helpers), whose service was singing and elevating the offerings and prayers of the Jews, did not need any special clothes. But, Shem miShmuel asks, since Moses was the highest and most holy of all the people involved in service of the One Above, why didn’t he dress in the garments of the priests? First, says Shem miShmuel , we need to understand why the kohanim ...