
Showing posts with the label 5783 April 16

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 25 Nissan, 5783 April 16, 2023

 ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 25 Nissan, 5783 April 16, 2023 Omer: Day 10 -  Tifferet sheb'Gevurah Tonight Count 11 Jewish History Passing of R. Chaim Halberstam of Sanz (1876) R. Chaim Halberstam served as rabbi of Sanz, Poland, and was the founder of the Sanz Chassidic dynasty. His halachic responsa and Torah expositions were published under the name  Divrei Chaim . He passed away on 25 Nissan in the year 5636 (1876). Link:  Bitter Heals Laws and Customs Count "Eleven Days to the Omer" Tonight Tomorrow is the eleventh day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: " Today is eleven days, which are one week and four days, to the Omer ." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing). The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritu...