Julius Israel Home Of Hope

Julius Israel Home Of Hope By Julius Yahuda101 Israel Home Of Israel Home Of Hope Was posted to my YouTube channel TheSergeant001 five years ago, was also posted to my Yahuda101 channel, but YouTube censored that channel. Israel is the Jewish home of hope, the place where our people were born in the age of Abraham and where, after the longest exile ever endured by a people, it was reborn in our time. Narrated by Rabbi Sacks to mark Israel’s 60th anniversary in 2008. I added all the pictures of which many I took during my two visits to Israel. I also added a few songs of which I really like, and a tribute to a very good friend who is no longer with us, my dear friend Miriam. In the middle of Part 6 is the interview my father had with the AETN (Arkansas Educational Television Network) concerning his experiences while acting as an interpreter for his commanding officer during the liberation of Dachau . To mark Israel’s 60th anniversary in 2008, the Rabbi Sacks ...