
Showing posts with the label "Light Your Fire" [Vayikra 5783] "Light Your Fire" [Vayikra 5783]

Image "Light Your Fire" [Vayikra 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of VAYIKRA 5783 The merit from the learning of this Torah teaching is dedicated to YAEL & SHAUL שי' Much success and good news. This is one of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s classic talks, turning what might have seemed like an arcane subject into a powerful means of serving G-d. The original text is in Yiddish in Likutei Sichot , volume one, page 205. It was translated into Hebrew and condensed by Mrs. Tzirel Livnoni in Shulchan Shabbat . It still thrills me each time I read it. Our Torah portion, Vayikra , is the first portion of the third book of the Torah, also called Vayikra. Most of the book is about sacrificial offerings. When the holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, there were offerings given on the altar. They served as a method of coming...