
Showing posts with the label no.18 Magazine Vol.19, no.18

Image Magazine Vol.19, no.18 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.18 14 Shevat - 20 Shevat, 5783 / Feb. 5 - Feb.11, 2023 Week of Yitro 5783     PREFACE : Welcome to our special Tu B'Shvat edition Sunday night - Monday of this week is TU (15th) B'SHEVAT (the annual "Festival of Fruit Trees in Israel"); the first three articles and the story (#7) examine the significance of the day and its customs, from three different perspectives in Kabbalah. The next three are for the Weekly Reading which contains the first appearance of the Ten Commandments.   1) Tu b'Shevat A Tu b'Shevat Custom for Families         A Delightful Family Custom On the night of the 15th of Shvat, each member of the family should say the blessing