ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Friday, 4 Kislev, 5784 November 17, 2023 - Shabbat, 5 Kislev, 5784 November 18, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Friday, 4 Kislev, 5784 November 17, 2023 - Shabbat, 5 Kislev, 5784 November 18, 2023 Candle Lighting Light Candles at 3:59 PM Jewish History Zechariah Foretold Messianic Era (3410/-352) A delegation from Babylonia put forth a query to the prophet Zechariah, asking whether the fast of the Ninth of Av was still in effect, now that the Second Temple had been built. In response, Zechariah transmitted G‑d’s message that it was not fasting that was most important, but to uphold justice, truth, kindness and compassion. Zechariah also foretold what will occur to the fast days in the Messianic era: “So says the L‑rd of Hosts: The fast of the fourth month [the seventeenth of Tammuz], the fast of the fifth month [the ninth of Av], the fast of the seventh month [the third of Tishrei], and the fast of the tenth month [the tenth of Teves] will be to the House of Judah for rejoicing, happiness, and festivals.” ( Zechariah 7–8 ) Purim Teveryah (5503/1743) After a three-mont...