Rav Avitan ENGLISH- 9

Rav Avitan ENGLISH- 9 Rav Avitan's clip and summary, please feel free to share this translation. B'shem Kol Yisrael - בשם כל ישראל Segulot for Chanukah Starting Thursday night, We are about to embark into 8 very holy days during which we can bring upon ourselves miracles and wonders. We are given the possibility to acquire an abundance of blessings on Chanukah. The 8 days of Chanukah are auspicious days. When lighting the Chanukiah, it is important to say the blessings with Kavana (concentration) and with great joy. Regardless of one’s religious standing, after lighting Chanukah candles, the house is filled with, Hashem’s shechina - holiness and angels (malachim). This short message is only scratching the surface of what holiness these 8 days of Chanukah hold. The Tsaddikim and Mekoubalim who brought down some beautiful segulot promise that we will merit to see miracles and wonders during these holy days of Chanukah. The following segulot have the ability to light up our liv...