Bava Metzia: 47a-b

Bava Metzia: 47a-b Together, we dedicate our learning in memory of the lives lost, and with prayers for the safe return of those held captive and for everyone affected by the ongoing violence in Israel. We have to fight u ntil all Eretz Yisrael is Jewish Sovereign and all terrorists are dead in and around Eretz Yisrael! Eretz Yisrael completely liberated.....! Then let us Pray for a new government system in Eretz Yisrael! Voting's yes, but a new high Court system, a Sanhedrin, the Great Sanhedrin and the smaller Sanhedrin’s...... For Jewish Law in all Eretz Yisrael. Bava Metzia: 47a-b Source: Bava Metzia: 47b - The Talmud ( ויש לו עליו אונאה And if the sum of money is one-sixth lower than the value of the item, the seller of the item has a claim of exploitation against the buyer, who must pay the difference to the seller. רש"י ויש לו לחבירו עליו דין אונאה: אם אין במעות כדי דמי החפץ שפחתו שתות: קנה אף על גב דלא משך דכיון דלא קפיד...