Sefaria Jeremiah 2 Revised JPS

Sefaria Jeremiah 2 Revised JPS (Torah reading Level Two see: Torah Study ( Tanakh About This Text Jeremiah Tanakh Jeremiah (“Yirmiyahu”) is the sixth book of the Prophets, with prophecies from the period leading up to the First Temple’s destruction as the Babylonian empire was on the rise. The prophet comes out strongly against idolatry and corruption in Israel, lamenting the impending catastrophe God will inflict in punishment. Jeremiah also bemoans his lone and tormented existence, rejected by the people and at times threatened and tortured. Yet together with his messages of gloom, Jeremiah also delivers visions of hope in God’s ultimate faithfulness to God’s people. Composed: Judea/Israel (c.600 - c.500 BCE) נוצר/נערך: יהודה / ישראל (600 - 500 לפנה"ס בקירוב) Current Version Miqra according to the Masorah Select Version Miqra According to the Masorah (MAM) is a digital Hebrew edition of the Tanakh based on the Aleppo Co...