ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 12 Sivan, 5783 June 1, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 12 Sivan, 5783 June 1, 2023 Torah Reading Behaalotecha: Numbers 8:1-14 Jewish History Passing of R. Shaul Dovber Zislin (1964) R. Shaul DovBer Zislin was a student in Yeshivat Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch. He went on as to serve as the director and spiritual mentor of the yeshiva’s division in Shchedrin, and later as rabbi in Berezin (Byerazino) and Orsha (all three are towns in present-day Belarus). In 1934 he emigrated to the Land of Israel , where he served as rabbi of the Meah Shearim neighborhood of Tel Aviv until his passing on 12 Sivan, 5724 (1964). R. Shaul DovBer was known as a clever individual with a noble character. He possessed a deep knowledge of Chassidut , and had the unique ability to clarify the most obscure concepts, which attracted many listeners to his lectures and farbrengens . Link: The Meeting Laws and Customs End of Shavuot "fulfillment" days When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, and a...