Kollel Iyun Hadaf Zevachim 000: When Kohen Begins Learning Halachos of Avodah
Kollel Iyun Hadaf Zevachim 000: When Kohen Begins Learning Halachos of Avodah Zevachim 000: When Kohen Begins Learning Halachos of Avodah Chaim asks: Where is the stam mishnah that tell us when cohen is obliged to begin his study of halacha for his avodah in the beis hamikdash, at what age he begins that avodah, ett. Until he is no longer obliged for annual mishmeret (milloim) and then the becomes teacher in Beit Raban ? THANKS ! The Kollel replies: Shalom Chaim Meyer, 1) I do see that the Gemara in Chulin 24a indicates that there is not much limitation on the age range for a Kohen. He does have to be a man rather than a boy, i.e. physically mature (two hairs; see Rashi DH mishe'Yavi). Also, once he is so old and weak that his body quivers, he is not fit to serve anymore (see Chulin 24b, Rashi DH she'Yiratet). Incidentally, you will see in the same Gemara that there is a restricted age range during which a L...