
Showing posts with the label "Why G-d Came Down" [Yitro 5783] "Why G-d Came Down" [Yitro 5783]

Image "Why G-d Came Down" [Yitro 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of YITRO 5783 The learning from this Torah teaching is dedicated in loving memory and to the merit of MIRIAM bat MARJORIE ע"ה & RACHAMIM ben ELVIRA ז"ל May their souls have a great elevation above and continue to be faithful advocates for DAVID CICUREL & family שי'   There are a few archetypal events in the Torah that have an undeniable correspondence to every aspect of our lives. The Creation of the World is one, the Exodus from Egypt to become G-d’s servants is another. Perhaps the most important of all is the Giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, which we learn about in this week’s Torah portion, Yitro . This was a revelation of the Divine that was experienced by everyone. It was then that the Jewish people received their eternal marching orders that are containe...